Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lilacs, laughter, and love . . .

It's a beautiful spring and my lilacs were lovely! I wish that they lasted longer than a week or two each season. These lilacs have traveled far. They came from a clipping of my mother's lilacs which came from a clipping of my grandparents' lilacs.  Every season they bring back memories of playing in my grandparents' yard. I took some photos of the kiddos beside them and put together some scrapbook pages using Basic Grey's new Plumeria collection.  I love the colors!
Adorable embellishments and little ribbon from May Arts.
Love these faces!
More May Arts ribbon added to the embellishments.
The silliness begins!
Cute flower tag for journaling!


  1. Awesome pages!!! Can't wait to see some more to get some good ideas!

    1. Natalie - Thank you! I feel like you should get a prize for leaving the first comment! - M
